Monday, July 7, 2014

Summer Highlights {thus far}

--Welcoming my brother home after him being gone for five months.
--Witnessing the birth of my adorable niece.
--Buying an iPhone.
--Watching and enjoying new movies.
--Going to Portland with my mom and three littlest brothers. We spent the weekend shopping and admiring animals at the zoo.
--Being (totally and completely) surprised with a dachshund puppy. :D His name is Bokeh.
--Saving money for Gleanings.
--Getting a new pair of shorts.
--Flying to California with my mom for my grandpa's birthday.
--Eating ridiculous amounts of ice cream. <Oc~
--Reading good quotes.
--Accumulating books to put in my hope chest for my future kiddos.
--Meeting new people.
--Living in a house with AC (don't think I could survive summer without it).
--Watching fireworks.
--Outlining my latest novel idea.

        I hope you're all having a fabulous summer thus far!
